I was happy to hear about Dolly because we need the rain! The rain finally came yesterday and boy was it nice. It started about 9 yesterday morning while I was at the coffee shop. It would rain really hard and then sprinkle for awhile. I was really enjoying it, even though business was a little slow. At about 11 Jaime called me at The Foundry. This is really odd because he only calls my cell phone. Even when I am at home he calls my cell phone. Anyways, someone else answered the phone and handed it to me and said it was my husband. That was my first indication that something was wrong. He told me a tornado had been spotted downtown. I said okay. He then told me I should turn on the radio. I said okay and did not mention that we don't have a radio. I guess he did not hear any concern in my voice so he told me that I was downtown. I said okay and that I would check on the weather.
There was little concern in my voice because I grew up in Lubbock. It seemed like growing up we spent April through May listening to tornado watches and warnings. When the men in my family heard the word tornado they headed for the roof. Tornado=Roof. Makes sense, right? Anyways, we did spend many evenings growing up with the women and kids in my Grandma's cellar and the men on the roof. For me it was part of the routine. I am much better at handeling tornados than hurricanes.
After all the fun at coffee shop I was ready for a relaxing afternoon. I headed to our friends house. Our little friend, Conner, had surgery yesterday to remove a cyst from his thyroid. They had tried the surgery a couple of months ago, but Conner stopped breathing on the table. The doctor stopped the surgery and said they would wait a couple of months then try the surgery at the Children's Hospital. Conner went in again yesterday morning and was a champ. They originally thought he would have to stay the night, but he did so well that he was home by lunch.
We layed around some and worked on some activity books and then played a little Go Fish. Conner is the Go Fish Champ. It was a really wonderful afternoon. Jaime came over after work and we ended up eating dinner over at their house. A wonderful time was had by all. I really enjoyed hanging out with Conner and him letting me love on him. When we left he told me he loved me and thanked me. Nothing can melt your heart more!
I went to check on Conner a little earlier today and he was feeling much better. Isn't he so cute.

He was even willing to show off his scar.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Cute kid. And the scar makes him look tough- like he survived a knife fight.
Glad you survived the tornado. Stay off the roof.
I am so excited that you are blogging and I love your blogs name!! Ann was my blogging inspiration as well. I love the tornado comment as that is exactly how I feel about them!
Ann's right....I can't really imagine her saying anyone survived a knife fight, but it does make him look tough!
What a cutie. Glad you are safe!!!
I did love 19 minutes as I do most of her books. Sister's Keeper and Plain Truth are two of my favorite as well.
Have you read those?
He sure is cute...I bet him a Paige could cause a lot of trouble!!! We will have to introduce them soon.
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