Friday, December 12, 2008

Back in Action

Thanks for all the concern. I am fine now, but it was a little touch and go for awhile. Not really, but I didn't feel very good. I totally understand if you want to stop reading now and not know my complete medical history from the last week. It really isn't that interesting.

It all started last Friday. I was a little nauseous all day, but made it through the day without throwing up. That is big accomplishment for me. I hate throwing up and will do about anything to avoid it. I was fine all weekend. I never felt bad at all. On Monday I got up and went to work and I was fine till that evening. I started felling nauseous again and late in the evening I started dry heaving. It really wasn't a big deal. I went to bed and forgot all about my problems.

I had to work again Tuesday morning. Everything started fine. At about 10:30 my left side below my ribs started hurting. Darrell, one of the volunteers, was working that morning and I just figured he was causing the pain. He is pretty much a pain in my side every time he comes in. Oh, I am just kidding. Darrell is great! Soon after the pain started the nausea came and then the dry heaving. By about 11:30 I could hardly stand. I was doubled over in pain. Finally, Michael convinced me to leave. I got in the car and was headed to the doctor. I called Jaime on the way to let him know what was going on and the pain just got worse and worse while we were on the phone.

Jaime was at lunch with another attorney and didn't have his car. He finally convinced me to come and get him and he would take me to the doctor. It took me about 20 minutes to get there when it should have taken about 10 minutes. I kept having to pull over to dry heave. I was worried the one time I didn't pull over I would actually throw up in my car. That would have made the day a little bit better.

I finally made it to Jaime and he took me to a minor emergency place. They were very friendly from what I remember. I passed out from the pain in my side. Oh, I kid again. I just thought it would make the story a little more dramatic and interesting.

The gave me a cup of liquid Maalox and Ladicane (I don't know how to spell it, but it was good) for the pain. I gulped that down and the pain went away in about 10 seconds. After the pain was gone I was just nauseous. They gave me a shot for the nausea. After that I don't really remember much. It pretty much knocked me out.

I went in with a fever and and they did some blood work and other test. All the test came back fine. The doctor is not really sure what was wrong with me. I do recall him asking me if I had been on a drinking binge. I told him no and he said that was ashamed because then there would be a reason for all this. Sorry to disappoint. The doctor did put me on a liquid diet for two days. I fought Jaime tooth and nail on the liquid diet, but he held strong. As Big Mama would say, I am only a stomach bug away from my goal weight. Unfortunately, for me I am about 20 stomach bugs away from my goal weight.

I slept all afternoon on Tuesday once we were home from the doctor. I got up at 8:00am on Wednesday and thought I was fine. I was only able to stay awake for about an hour before I went back to bed. I ended up sleeping till 11:30am. Jaime brought me some lunch and I was back in bed by 1:00pm. I slept till 4:30pm. My sleep at night was not affected by all the sleeping during the day. Maybe I just needed to catch up on my sleep. I am not pregnant for those of you wondering or hoping (Ann.)

Jaime was amazing during the whole thing. He had to leave in the middle of a lunch meeting to take me the doctor. He stayed the rest of the afternoon with me and got my prescriptions filled for me. He brought me lunch on Wednesday and then stayed home the rest of the afternoon to take care of me. He has been great and hasn't complained once. I know he missed a lot of work to take care of me and I really appreciate it.

I have slowly started adding some solid foods back to my diet. I have had a few things, but not too much. I am trying to take it slow. Hopefully I will get some more rest this weekend and feel great by Monday.

Don't forget Monday is Boo Mama's Christmas tour of homes. I will have pictures of my house all decorated. I hope you do as well.


Caroline said...

Glad you are feeling better. You should try pregnancy- nausea with a purpose.

The Blevins' said...

so glad you are feeling better. It sounds terrible! James is a good man!!

Hildebrand Family said...

I truly would have said that you were prego! haha.. Wish you were! =) Or.. wait.. I should say... Wait a few months so we can have babies at the same time! I am glad you are better.. We will plan lunch again soon.. my sweet friend i miss you! xoxo