Thursday, February 12, 2009

Moving On

I am done with Lubbock and have moved onto Houston. I spent yesterday morning with Caroline and John before flying out. I braided Caroline's hair before she went to school. I must say, her hair looked so cute. It is a good thing that I spent all those hours french braiding my barbies hair. I dropped John John off at school and he was so sweet. He shared lots of hugs and kisses with me. It made me re-think my decision about leaving.

I flew out to Houston to meet Jaime. The first thing I did once I arrived here was take a nap. A 2 year-old and a 4 year-old will wear you out in a hurry. I don't know how all you moms do it. You are doing a marvelous job and I am impressed.

I have been thinking maybe I should look for a job as a nanny. I would like to be a traveling nanny and only stay with the family for a few days. Wouldn't that be a fun job. My requirements would be that the kids are as well behaved as Caroline and John. Most important, they have to be cute and funny like Caroline and John. It all seemed like a good idea until I realized how tired I was. Do you think I could find a traveling nanny job where I got to sleep late?

Don't worry, I will be catching up on my sleep this morning and then heading to the mall. I am here for the sleep and to help boost the economy. I am sure the little money I will spend will boost the economy.


Caroline said...

Whenever you want to be a traveling nanny come see me. I always need the help. Unfortunately, we don't ever sleep late.

Abby said...

I could totally take you up on that traveling Nanny thing. We are always thinking about who we could take with us on vacation.

A couple of small problems, I doubt that either of my two are as good as Ann's babies. Emery does sleep in so that's a selling point. Of course Brooks is up at the crack of Emery's sleeping in is totally wasted. Hope that you enjoyed shopping. I am jealous just thinking about it!!