Today is my 28th Birthday. It doesn't seem possible for me to be 28. I feel like I am still 18 sometimes. I love birthdays, especially mine. I love it most because all my family and friends call me on my birthday. It doesn't get better than talking to all your favorite people on the same day. I also don't mind all the attention. I am an attention seeker so my birthday works out well for me.
I have decided for my birthday I will do a list. I know you are so excited about it.
28 Things Celebrating My Birthday
1. Be sick. I still have it, but am trying very hard to get over it. I am not celebrating being sick only the fact that I will be well soon.
2. Going to Philadelphia for a little vacation. We were originally suppose to leave on Saturday, but with Ike moving in we are leaving tomorrow afternoon.
3. Going to Lubbock over Labor Day to see my family and football. Doesn't get much better.
4. Clean my house so Jaime's family can stay here during Ike invasion. I am glad we can house them during their evacuation. I am sorry we will not be here to see them.
5. Work at the Foundry. I considered taking the day off, but figured I would rather spend my birthday with people instead of home by myself even if I have to get up early.
6. Have birthday dinner with great friends when we get back from Philadelphia.
7. Do laundry because that is what I did yesterday to get ready for the trip.
8. Have a little party with Jaime's family when everything slows down and I am not sick. We tried last weekend, but I wasn't much fun to be around.
9. Go shopping and spend my birthday money that is burning a hole in my pocket.
10. Spend the whole day with my husband. I am really excited about this. I don't remember the last time we spent my actual birthday together.
11. Go to a Yankees game. We are going to drive to New York on Sunday to see a Yankees game and I am so excited. I don't like the Yankees, but want to see the stadium before they tear it down.
12. Leftover spaghetti with great friends. David, Wendee and the kids came over for a quick dinner last night. It was perfect!
13. Getting so many sweet cards from my family. My favorite is from Caroline. On the front it said Happy 4th Birthday. She figured it was my favorite number because that is how old she is. Makes sense to me.
14. Having one of my best friends come and spend 2 days with me. I love having Kalub here even if she doesn't decorate my house.
15. Sight seeing in Philadelphia. Aunt Anita has taught me to love history and I do. I love going places and seeing all the historical things. Washington D.C. is my favorite so far, but maybe Philadelphia will top it.
16. Getting a new camera for my birthday. I have not got it yet, but I know that is what I am getting. It works perfectly that we are going on a trip so I can take pictures with my new camera.
17. Hurricane's. Sometimes they put a wrench in my birthday plans, but Ike is helping me out. Because of Ike Jaime had to go to Corpus yesterday and pack up the office. That means no server so Jaime can't work. Thanks Ike. Please be kind to those who live on the coast.
18. Presents!
Oh, to be 18 again. Then that is where the list would end. I am going to pretend I am turning 18 because I can only think of 18 things right now. Maybe next year my Gulley will blog for me on my birthday.