Thursday, February 19, 2009

Chicago, You Rank Right Up There

As you may have noticed we travel a little.  Sometimes it is a lot and at other times it is none.  I wouldn't say I have seen many places, but I am working on that.  Before I die I would like to travel to all 50 states and see a game in every major league ball park.  That is not too much to ask, right?

Once we have been to a city I am pretty much done with that city.  I would much rather travel to a city that I have never been too.  There are a few exceptions.  I of course will go back to Lubbock a hundred times.  I also do not include Dallas, Houston or Corpus on that list because they are in my state and I don't really consider going to those places as a vacation.  I would also add Chicago to the list.

I really do love Chicago.  Traveling on Southwest to Chicago is easy and effortless when they do not lose your luggage or steal items out of your luggage.  The weather is also great.  I have never been when the weather wasn't nice.  I have been in the summer and the winter and can't decide which I like more.  I love cold weather so it is the perfect place to go to get a little taste of the cold.  In case you didn't know, South Texas doesn't have much cold weather.  In the summer it is nice because I can step outside without wanting to faint from the heat.  All around it is good.

This time in Chicago it was cold.  It was nice to be able to pull out all my favorite cold weather clothes from the closet one last time.  I love walking down Michigan avenue all bundled up.  

I have never been to Chicago for non business.  Jaime for some reason has a lot of work in Chicago.  It is a great place for me to tag along to.  The only very very small problem is that I have never been sight seeing in Chicago.  Every time I go I say I will see some sights, but I never do.  I guarantee Jaime and I will go back to Chicago at some point for a little vacation when it is just the two of us.

The main reason we will go back is to go to a Cubbies game.  I have been to Chicago three times and have never been to a Cubs game.  This makes me sad because the Cubs are my favorite baseball team ever.  There was really only one time I could have seen a game when we
were in Chicago.  It was last summer and the Cubs were in town while we were there.  Jaime told me I could go, but he wouldn't be able to get away from work.  

It wouldn't be the same going to a game by myself.  I would love the game, but I would love it more if I got to share it with someone I love.  Don't worry Cubbies, some day I will make it to Wrigley Field to watch you play.

The second thing I love about Chicago is this....

Chocolate Mouse Cake from Gibsons.  Please tell me that you can tell how large this piece of cake WAS.  It no longer exist and it was good on the way down.


courtney said...

not much of a baseball fan, but that piece of cake would make me love any city!

glad y'all had a good trip (sans the lugguage fiasco, of course)!!

Caroline said...

I want to go to Chicago with you to eat cake and go to a Cubbies game!