Tuesday, May 12, 2009


This little girl spent the night with me and Jaime on Friday night.  She had a great time and thought it was the coolest.  Her Mom on the other hand did not think it was that cool.

I told Ann I was going to ask Caroline if she wanted to spend the night with me and Jaime at my Mom and Dad's house on Friday night.  Ann seemed fine with it until I asked Caroline.  Caroline first said she would come stay with me and Jaime in San Antonio when school was out.  I better explained the situation and she was all for it.  She asked Ann if she could and Ann wasn't too sure.  She made Caroline ask Jeff and he said it was fine.

Ann was worried about Caroline being away from her for a night.  Caroline was not so worried.  Ann told her she could come home at any point if she got scared or missed her mommy and daddy.  

Caroline had already had a bath so the plan was for us to go get Jaime from the airport and then head home to bed.  I knew Jaime and my parents would go get something to eat once he arrived, but I figured they could drop us off at the house on their way.  Once we got Jaime everyone started talking about where they were going to eat.  Caroline chimed in that she wanted cheese pizza.  I told her we weren't going to eat because she had already had dinner and popcorn.  She wasn't giving in.  She was hungry and wanted pizza.  I caved in.  The girl has me wrapped around her finger.

We ended up all going to Chilli's about 9:00 pm, way past Caroline's bedtime.  She ordered cheese pizza and corn on the cob.  She was an angel.  While we waited for our food she entertained us and played tic-tac-toe with Jaime.  She wasn't the least bit tired.  She ended up eating 3 pieces of pizza and some of the corn.  We even made it out of Chilli's without anyone commenting on her Halloween pajamas.

Ann called to check on us at about 9:30 pm.  I think she was shocked we weren't home.  She was also shocked that I had taken her daughter out in her pajamas.  I was also shocked that I let this happen, but sometimes you have to live by the seat of your pants.

Once we got home it was 10:00 pm and she was tired.  I got her into bed and let her watch T.V. while I was getting ready for bed.  I had it on a basketball game and the next thing I know she is yelling DEVINCE at the T.V.  I realize immediately what she is trying to say so I tell her it is DEFENSE.  She gets it and continues to yell at the T.V. DEFENSE for about 5 minutes.  This makes me love this little girl more.  She yells DEFENSE at the T.V. just like me.  Finally I tell her it is time to be quiet and the next thing I know Jaime is telling me she is asleep.  I think it took her about 2 minutes to go to sleep once she stopped talking.

She was great!!!  She slept through the night with no problems.  She woke up about 7:15 Saturday morning and was ready to go home.  We held her off until 8:00 am so that Ann could sleep late.

I can't believe what a big girl she is.  She was a pro at the sleepover and ready to do it again this summer in San Antonio.  I am not sure her Mom is ready for this.


Caroline said...

Glad everyone had fun. I don't think her Mom is ready for San Antonio this summer.

Abby said...

I know Ann and she is never going to be ready for San Antonio.

Loved the post. Loved that you let Caroline go to Chili's in her PJ's.

Cracks me up (don't worry Ann I would be worried sick all night too!!)