Thursday, November 20, 2008

Let's Talk About Me

Ann tagged me for this post, so here it goes.

10 Years Ago I . . .
1. lived at home with my parents. I was a senior in high school with not a care in the world, I promise, ask my mom.
2. drove a green Ford Explorer. It was my first car and I thought I was so cool.
3. worked hardly ever. I was way to busy with high school things. I worked for my mom when it was convenient. I played basketball and took lots of naps instead.
4. took hardly anything serious. I wasn't that worried about school. I had it easy my senior year with only a few classes, my hardest being World History. My others were French, Choir, Basketball and something else that must not have been very important because I can't remember what it was. I couldn't even make it to school on time.
5. discovered that I had a crush on Jaime who didn't even know I was alive. It took me awhile, but I finally got him.

5 Things on Today's To-Do List
1. Return some items to Target.
2. Make some coffee for some people.
3. Take a nap after work.
4. Change my flight for Thanksgiving.
5. Catch up on my shows that are waiting for me on the DVR.

5 Snacks I Enjoy
1. Popcorn
2. Ice Cream
3. Chips
4. Red Sour Patch Kids
5. Twix

5 Places I've Lived
1. Lubbock on 60th
2. Lubbock on Oxford
3. Corpus Christi on Staples
4. Corpus Christi on North Padre Island
5. San Antonio

5 Jobs I've Had
1. Debt Collector / Cashier
2. Assistant to Athletic Director in College
3. Processor at Mortgage Company
4. Closing Assistant at Title Company
5. Barista

This is me. What about you?

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