Meet Jesse. She and her husband, Whitney, were my models yesterday. They are AMAZING!!! They were so great to work with, but even better they are photographers. Jesse and Whitney answered tons of questions and were so helpful. I had a great time and learned tons.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Love Affair
I am learning tons here at Love Affair. We worked with Photoshop a lot yesterday and it is crazy all the tricks that the girls know. I can't wait to get home and put all this information to use.
Today is going to be a crazy day with 60 girls shooting. We have models lined up and I am sure we will all be going crazy trying to "get the shot."
I have hardly talked to any of my family since I have been here. We start at 8am and finish around 10pm. We are all trying to cram as much information as possible into 3 days. CRAZY!!!
You can check out the Love Affair website here and my profile. Hopefully I will be back tomorrow with some of the images I take and edit. Hope you are having a great week!
Ann, get better soon. Maybe when I get back you could give me the stomach bug because Lord knows I haven't been eating good here, but it all taste so good.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Blog Birthday
I missed my blog birthday and didn't even know it until today. How sad! We will have to have a proper celebration today. I am only a week late.
I started the blog because of Ann. She was getting a new blog design and told me if I was ever going to get a blog to do it then so it could be listed on hers. I set the blog up and figured I would never blog about anything. I felt like Jaime and I were so boring. We are not as boring as I thought, but we can be boring at times. I just blog through the boring times.
I can't believe it has already been a year. Where does time go? I remember being a kid and thinking time stood still. I feel like now it is passing me by. I have no idea when that happened, but I feel so old asking "Where did the time go?"
Over the past year we have gone some really cool places and done some really exciting things. We have traveled to Lubbock tons of times. We have seen some really good football and spent lots of time with my favorite people. We have also been to Philadelphia, New York City, Las Vegas, Oklahoma, Dallas, Phoenix, Houston, Washington D.C. and Corpus. Wow that is a lot of places. Some of those we have been to multiple times over the past year.
I have also watched my family struggle with my grandma's Alzheimer's. Grandma is no longer the person I knew growing up. She has changed so much as has my grandpa. They have changed places in life. My grandma was always so caring and took care of everyone. My grandpa was always very strict and quiet about his feelings. Grandpa now takes care of grandma and is the sweetest man. He really does love her even thought she is no longer the woman he married over 60 years ago. I love them both so much and wish they were not going through this.
Some things in my life have changed over the past year. I love Jaime more today than the day that I started the blog. Who knew that could happen. He is truly amazing and I am so blessed to have him in my life. I was also working at The Foundry a year ago. I stopped working there in May and have really enjoyed my time away. I loved working there and meeting so many people. It was such a wonderful learning experience, but I am happy to be moving on.
I couldn't just sit around with nothing to do so I started searching for a new hobby. I found photography and I love it. I have decided to start a business and as of today Robin Perrin Photography is open for business. I am so excited!
I am in Atlanta for a photography workshop. It is called Love Affair and is put on by 4 photographers from around the U.S. I found out about it from Lauren Clark in good old Lubbock. She is one of the photographers that puts the workshop together. I hope someday my pictures can be as good as hers. I will be here the rest of the week trying to soak up as much information as possible.
Happy Birthday Blog! It has been a fun year and who knows what the next year holds for us.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Hogg Maulies
We had a really fun weekend around here. It was busy and more people came to stay with us, but they are all gone now and things can go back to normal.
Friday night we decided to go out on the town. Doneece's visit was coming to an end and we wouldn't to take her out to prove we aren't as old as she thinks. We were going to go to Gruene Hall and see Roger Craiger, but that didn't work out very well. I had to take a friend to the ER so it put a little kink in our plans. It all worked out. Our friend is doing well and we had more fun than if we would have gone to see Roger.
Jaime has an uncle that is a year older than him. I know it is weird and makes for an interesting family tree. Uncle Damon and Aunt Jennifer were in San Antonio for the weekend to see some of her family. Jennifer has a cousin that is in the band Hogg Maulies. They invited us to Gruene to see the Hogg Maulies play at the Ice House.
We decided to head over to visit family and hear some live music. We get to the Ice House and it is like a Lubbock reunion. The Hogg Maulies live in Lubbock and had a large following to Gruene. We ended up knowing tons of people there from Lubbock and then all of Jennifer's family.
At one point I looked over at Doneece and she was singing. I asked her how she knew the song. She has seen the Hogg Maulies in Lubbock before. Such a small world. They put on a great show and we all had a great time. I would go out more if it was like a family reunion with a live band. Maybe I can arrange that.
We ended up meeting the entire band and making some plans for football season. It should be fun. You can listen to some Hogg Maulies music on iTunes. I downloaded their CD today and I already love it.
Robin, Damon and Doneece
Rode from the Hogg Maulies
Jennifer, Rode and Amber
Sorry some of the pictures aren't great. Jaime kept putting his hand in front of the flash. The flash doesn't work very well with a great big hand in the way.
I am headed to Atlanta today. I will be broadcasting live from Atlanta all week. Not really live, but it sounded fun.
Friday, July 24, 2009
I wouldn't let Doneece leave until I had the chance to take some pictures of her. We finally got to it after about a week. We have been busy doing a lot of nothing so it was really hard to fit the pictures in. I really love some of these. She was a great model and I had a great time taking the pictures. Hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Side Kick
I have a new side kick. Her name is Doneece. That's right, she has been here a week and a half. This is the longest we have been together since I got married and moved away.
I don't know about her, but I am having a great time! I love having her here except she has tons of laundry. Seriously, the girl wears tons of clothes. The other thing about her is she is ALWAYS cold. It is 105 outside and the girl wears a sweatshirt. She stole one of my sweatshirts when she first got here and it has not been returned. Doneece walks around the house in the sweatshirt and my house boots. It cracks me up.
Sometimes I wonder if she is really my sister. We are so different it is scary. While sitting at dinner the other night we were talking about basketball. Donecee ask James what a point guard is. Seriously? It is like she didn't grow up in our family. Both James and I couldn't believe she didn't know. My parents must have forgot to teach her that.
Even thought she is lacking in sports knowledge and cold all the time, I love her being here. Maybe she could just stay forever. If she stayed forever I would want her to do her laundry and Jaime would want her to pay rent. After a week Jaime expects rent. Him and Doneece are in negotiations.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Sea World Again
We had such a good time at Sea World that I decided to share a few more pictures. You may be tired of Sea World, but it is not all about you.
We didn't get to meet the dolphins or Shamu, but we got to see the shows. Both shows were really good. The dolphin and Beluga whale shows were very good with lots of great performers. It was like a cirque du soleil show right here in San Antonio.
John and Caroline got cotton candy and it was hilarious. Seriously, John's piece was hot pink because of all the slobber on it and he was a mess. It is surprising that his hand did not stick to his mouth from all the stickiness. The best part was when Caroline wiped John's mouth and hands off. She loves him so much!

Caroline has been doing a lot of talking about getting a dog. She really wants a dog and her mom does not. After the Sea World trip Caroline has decided she wants a walrus. She is dead set on getting a walrus. Caroline plans on getting a pool in the backyard for the walrus to live. It is the perfect plan and she is trying to talk John into the walrus. I don't think he is set on the idea of getting a walrus. Ann on the other hand would much rather have a walrus than a dog.
I promise I will be back tomorrow with something other than Sea World talk.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Sea World
Last week while the Jeff, Ann and the kids were here we went to Sea World. I had never been to Sea World and was so excited. I was not excited about being out in the 100 degree weather. Do you think Sea World has ever considered having an indoor park?
I have a good friend, Tricia, that is a Sea Lion trainer at Sea World. She went to Tech and was a zoology major. She started working at Sea World when she graduated and has worked with many different animals. I love her because she is just as big of a Tech fan as I am.
Tricia totally hooked us up. We got to meet the Beluga Whales and Sea Lions. Caroline loved it, actually we all loved. They were so cute and really friendly. One of the Whales just had a baby so we got to see the little baby. So cute!!! The other cool thing was when Tricia gave one of the Whales the guns up sign she whistled. When you give her the thumbs up she boos. It was so cool.
We all got kisses from a Beluga and Caroline got to feed the whale fish. I took about 40 pictures of the Belugas, but only a few turned out. The lighting wasn't the best. Maybe Ann got some good ones.

Next, we got to meet a Sea Lion. We got to meet Hunter and he was really funny. I really enjoyed the Sea Lion. So cute and playful. Caroline feed Hunter lots of fish. She was really good at tossing the fish to Hunter. She has a future as an animal trainer.

John was less impressed with the Sea Lion. I think it might have scared him a little. Hunter was a lot bigger than him and someone may have mentioned that the walrus that was standing by might like to eat him.

Who cares if he didn't like the Sea Lion. He is still so darn cute!!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Caroline and John
My favorite kids came to see us last week. They were here with us for 2 days and it was a crazy 2 days. I have never been involved in so many activities in 2 days and I don't think I have ever been that tired.
For about 15 minutes of their time here we took pictures. It was a crazy 15 minutes. The kids had better things to do than me take pictures of them. I was surprised that I got so many good pictures of them. They are so super cute!
Now the kids are gone and I miss them so bad! I wish they could just move here so I could love on them everyday. I would love to be able to hear Caroline laugh and John's sweet voice on a daily basis.
Ann, can y'all just move here?
No? Okay, just enjoy the pictures.

Friday, July 17, 2009
I had forgotten what rain was, looked like or smelled like. I was reminded today and it was wonderful. We didn't get much rain, but it is more than we have gotten in the last month. It was amazing!
In case you forgot what it looks like here are some pictures. Lord, please let it rain some more.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Bed and Breakfast
This week I am running a bed and breakfast minus the breakfast. I provide the bed you fix your own breakfast. This girl is at my house right now. This girl is my sister. She decided to come visit me for awhile which makes me very happy.
Jaime is going to be gone most of week so it is perfect. Now I don't have to spend the week alone. I get to spend some quality time with my baby sister.
Yesterday we spent the day at Schlitterbahn. No, I did not get sunburned. That is always the first question. We had a great time! There are no pictures on purpose. I can't imagine a more horrible place to take pictures at. No make up, hair is a wreak and a bathing suit. Three really bad combinations.
We have a really fun week planned. More guest will be joining us later in the week. It should be interesting.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Kellogg Family
I went to high school with Jacqui. We played basketball together in high school and were great friends. We lost touch when she went to that school in College Station and I went to Tech. Since moving to San Antonio we have reconnected and it is great.
Jacqui and her husband, Kyle, have two adorable kids. They are so sweet and so much fun to be around. I had the privilege of photographing all of them earlier in the week. These are my favorites.

I promise today is the last photography blog of the week. Hope you have a great weekend!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
You may think this is turning into a photography blog and it just might be. I LOVE doing this.
I took pictures of Cara right before she left to be a camp counsler at Young Life Camp. I went to Young Life Camp when I was in high school and it was so much fun! Cara will be a senior at Smithson Valley. She is a star soccer player and a really great person. She is full of life and super fun to be around.

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