Thursday, July 23, 2009

Side Kick

I have a new side kick. Her name is Doneece. That's right, she has been here a week and a half. This is the longest we have been together since I got married and moved away.

I don't know about her, but I am having a great time! I love having her here except she has tons of laundry. Seriously, the girl wears tons of clothes. The other thing about her is she is ALWAYS cold. It is 105 outside and the girl wears a sweatshirt. She stole one of my sweatshirts when she first got here and it has not been returned. Doneece walks around the house in the sweatshirt and my house boots. It cracks me up.

Sometimes I wonder if she is really my sister. We are so different it is scary. While sitting at dinner the other night we were talking about basketball. Donecee ask James what a point guard is. Seriously? It is like she didn't grow up in our family. Both James and I couldn't believe she didn't know. My parents must have forgot to teach her that.

Even thought she is lacking in sports knowledge and cold all the time, I love her being here. Maybe she could just stay forever. If she stayed forever I would want her to do her laundry and Jaime would want her to pay rent. After a week Jaime expects rent. Him and Doneece are in negotiations.


Kara said...

If your sis cleans, she can come visit me next!

courtney said...

"Sometimes I wonder if she is really my sister."

Seriously?? Look at that picture of the two of you. You are not only sisters, but could seriously be twins!

My sister is the same way about being cold. She'll be all bundled up with a sweatshirt and blanket and I've got my head stuck in the freezer so I don't die of a heatstroke.

Caroline said...

I know waht a point guard is, but wish I did not. Does that get me kicked out of the family too.

I'm ready for Doneece to come home. Why don't you come too.

Caroline said...

Ok, I need to proof read and use question marks! Sorry.

Abby said...

I loved having my sister in the same town as me. I try to get her to move to EC all the time and she won't do it. Makes me sad. Enjoy it while you can.