Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Caroline!!!

Today is a big day!!!  Caroline is 5 today.  I can't even believe it.  It seems like yesterday Ann was telling me she was pregnant.  Where does time go?  I can tell you that Caroline has made good use of all her 5 years.  She never slows down.

In honor of Miss Caroline's birthday here is my top 5 about this amazing child.

1.  I love that you know exactly where to go when you need some money.  You know at Aunt Donna's you head back to my room because you know Jaime always leaves change there.

2.  I am amazed at all the stuff you know.  You can spell better than I can.  You asked me how to spell umbrella when we were in Houston.  I had to stop and think about it.

3.  I think it is so funny that you know almost all the words to "Womanizer."  It makes me laugh when I hear you singing it.  I play it for you to drive your mom crazy.

4.  Your Faith is amazing.  You love the Lord with all you heart.  You have great questions about the Lord and it is so wonderful to see.

5.  You love your brother so much.  You are like his second mom and do a great job helping with John John.  You were a great little helper on Friday when Jaime and I were trying to figure things out.

Happy Birthday Caroline!!!  I hope you have a wonderful birthday and enjoy getting to hear your name called over the loud speaker at school.

I would also like to wish Jeff a Happy Birthday.  Jeff and Caroline share a birthday and ever since Caroline was born Jeff has taken a back seat and let Caroline have the spot light.  

My fondest memory of Jeff was a night in law school when a group of us had all gone out.  It was the first night that Jaime and I had really hung out.  We had dropped everyone else off and it was just Jeff, Ann and I in the car.  Jeff asked me if I would ever date Jaime.  I told him nonchalantly yes and thought to myself how amazing it would be to date Jaime.  Have I mentioned that I had a huge crush on him?  Jeff then asked me if I would every marry Jaime.  I think my answer was "I don't know."  I can just remember thinking that would be a dream come true.  Just shows you Jeff has a crystal ball and the Lord really does answer prayers.
Happy Birthday to 2 wonderful people!!!

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Such a sweet post. I can't wait to read it to her this evening. She will love it!