Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pool Party

I always wanted a pool party for my birthday party growing up, but Mom always told me it was too cold to have a pool party. I guess El Nino has changed that. Well, maybe El Nino and the fact that I live 400 miles south of Lubbock now. It was plenty hot to have a pool party yesterday, so a pool party we had.

My wonderful husband planned me a pool party for my birthday. He really is the best! Jaime and Wendee put the plans in motion and got everything set up. I had so much fun and it was everything I imagined. I had been imagining a pool party for a long time, since I was about 10 years old.

The party was complete with lots of great friends and food. I am so lucky to have great friends that love me so much. Truthfully, I am lucky all the way around. David cooked for the party and it was delicious as always. I had dove for the first time ever. It was so good. David wrapped it in bacon then grilled it. It was so tender and juicy.

We also had birthday cake. That is my favorite part of birthdays. Jaime got me chocolate moose cake. So yummy!

Thanks Jaime and Wendee for planning a great party. Thanks David for making some really yummy food. Thanks to all my friends for taking time out of their busy schedules to help me celebrate my birthday. Thank you Lord for so many blessings.


courtney said...

How fun! I'm glad you got your swimming party!

Happy (early) birthday! It's getting REALLY close!

Caroline said...

Yay!! So fun. I'm glad it went well. I wanted to call you all day yesterday, but I was afraid I would interrupt the party.

Mom said...

Looks like the party was fun. Wish I could have had a piece of cake.

Jacqui said...

I'm so sorry we missed it! Looks like it was lots of fun. The cake looks YUMMY!

Abby said...

Happy Birthday week to you!! Ann taught me about Birthday week back when we worked together at tcci. Since then it has become a major tradition in our family.

I love that your mom said it was too "cold" to have a pool party. I need to use random excuses like that more often!!

I hope that this year brings you many blessings, and lots of birthday parties!!

Patti said...

Glad you had a great party and birthday. I am so thankful that you live next to Lara and her precious family. They love y'all, and I can see it is a super relationship. Happy Birthday, Robin.